First term Examination
V Semester[B.Tech]
Paper code
Time :90
Subject :DCS-I1
Note: Attempt Q1
and any two more.
Ql .a) What is difference between
dataflow and behavioral modeling. 2
b) What is basic difference between Melay
and Moore machine? 2
C) Ilistinguish Constants, Variablc and
Signals. 2
d) Write VFIDL code for 4: 1 Mus using structural modeling. 3
c) Writc the diff'crcncc between ASM chart and I:lo\v chart. 1
Q2.a) LVhat are signal drivers'?
What is effect oftranspol-t delay and 5
Internal delay on the signal drivers?
b) Write VHDL code for traffic -Light
operation which contains input as 3
Sensors and clock. Outputs are red,
green and yellow light.
Explain the significance of process in VHDL. 2
Q3.a) Design a binary multiplier
and write VHDL
for the binary 6
Multiplier circuit.
b) Explain the following 4
i) Component instantiation
ii)Component declaration
iii)Signal assignment
iv)Package declaration
Q4.a) Write VHDL code for 4-bit ~
r i t h ~ n e iliocg ical unit (ALU). 5
b) Draw the state diagram and ASM chart for the
synchronous 5.
Circuit having following
description:- ,
i) The ciriuit has c o n t r~iln put C, clock and
outputs a,b,c.
ii) If C=l,
every positive edge of ihe 'clock the output changes in the sequence:
000- 00 1; 0 1 1 - 1 1 1 - 000 and ;epeats.
iii) If C=O:
circuit holds in the present state i.e. in the same state.
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